


ダイビング・ボレーについてはDusan Vemicを後任に指名してます。Vemicの試合はまともに見たことないけど、一度見たら忘れ難い容姿ではある。

Game, set, match

Farewell tour is over -- here's what I leave fellow pros

Skinniest Legs: No one in the history of sport spent more time in the gym on their legs with less visible improvement than me. Now the talented Belgian Kristof Vliegen will have to enjoy life on tour with the skinniest legs.

Boris Becker Wanna-be: I didn't do many things well, but I was a heck of a diver. True, many weren't needed and most were a result of poor balance. Nonetheless, I hit some good ones. Little-known Serbian Dusan Vemic is an amazing athlete and can really lay out on the court. Hopefully he'll make it to a show court some day -- if so, the crowd will be in for a show.

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