

フェデラーはテラコッタ像を持ち帰るそうだけど? と、上海の会見で聞かれたラファは、「持ち帰るとしても、どこに置いたらいいか・・・」とアタマを掻いて、本当に困ったという表情。みんなが笑うと、ラファ自身もつい笑ってしまい、「この件については何も考えてなかった。自宅の入口に置くというのも悪いアイデアじゃないかも。家の中じゃなくて外になるけど。大きすぎるから。今の所まだあまり考えてないんだ。今は大会の方に集中した方がいいと思うし。」 

Translation by Veyonce
“Rafalish” Improving, Nadal Thinking Of Placing His Terracotta At Home Entrance

“If I really bring it back, I don’t know where to display him....” Nadal scratched his head and looked really troubled, which incurred laughter from all. He, himself couldn’t resist and laughed along, “This thing is really new to me, so I have not thought of it yet. Maybe the idea of putting it at our home entrance is not a bad idea – put it outside the door, not inside, can’t put inside, it’s too big (laughs). Currently there’s not much thought yet, I think now I better focus more on the tournament!” The strange grammar with his animated gestures and expressions, all these complete an adorable Nadal - maybe this is why fans are so adoring towards him!
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