フェレロのフィジカルコーチCapitaine 「(フェレロは)戦士のスピリットに溢れた偉大な選手だ。元世界ナンバー1だけど、色々(身体的)問題があって・・でも彼は戦い続け、決してあきらめない。そういうところが僕は一番大切だと思う。すべてうまくいってる時だけチャンピオンだというチャンピオンが多いけど、戦士でなければ真のチャンピオンじゃない。」
-Could you describe Ferrero’s physical condition? -In a nut shell..he is a great talent with a big spirit of a warrior..he was former #1..he had a lot of problems…but he keeps fighting…and he never gives up… this is the most important for me..a lot of champions..only are champions when everything is going ok..they are not warriors they are not true champions. Juan Carlos has an amazing base built by Miguel Maeso and Antonio Cascales… that allows him to keep improving today his performance in others domains...and he still has a lot to learn …but it would be impossible without the previous work. |
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