


about 2 metres away from a tired grumpy buggy-pushing little boy heading in HIS direction... was.... Rafael Nadal... he just appeared from NOWHERE!!! and Lucas was getting CLOSER and CLOSER to the ClayCourt God... luckily there were inches (4.5 cms to the metric people) to spare before buggy hit player and Lucas changed direction - under the orders from his mother shouting LUCAS - NO!!!! - NOT Him!!! anyone else... but NOT him!! - WE LIKE him.... ok? - Rafa definitely smiled before realising he nearly got run over - and managed to get away safely....
After the 3 times RG winner left - Barbara burst out laughing.... she could not stop... and she started telling me off... saying Louise!!! - I only have one thing to say to you.... Lucky Loser!!!! - where is your loyalty????? - you had your PERFECT chance!!! - even your son was planning to help!!! but you stopped him!!!! - :) :) :)
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