

アルゼンチンで刊行された(される)"La Legión habla"(「軍団語る」)紹介記事の英訳。

Article: Nalbandian, Coria, Gaudio, and others speak about the other side of tennis

Says Gaston Gaudio: "For a tennis player, family is the worst to have." For Jose Acasuso: "Tennis is an ambience of egoism and much jealousy." Juan Monaco continues: "You always hope that something happens to your rival, even if it were your friend or the one that you shared a room with the night before."

As Vilas indicates (signals,) the book trides to show, from the mouth of the protagonists, that tennis isn't just prestige, fame and money. It is also egoism, extreme competition and almost constant loneliness.
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