シンシナティでの対戦前夜、モナコはラファのお部屋に遊びに行ってました。(「プレステしてた」に100円賭けます! ・・あ、そうか、そうだったのか。。。 プレステのしすぎでラファは腕が痙攣しちゃったんだ。。)
"Did you ever have to share a room with someone you had to play against the next day?" "At a professional level, no, we each have our own room. But at a Challegers and Futures level, I often had to sleep in the same room as the guy I had to play against the next day. I wanted to kill him! It's a really weird feeling because, if nothing else, you think: "I hope this kid sleeps badly so I have more chances of winning". And you think that even if they're your friend. You always hope something happens to the other person". (Juan Monaco)
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