clipped from fedelat.blog.tennis365.net
clipped from fedelat.blog.tennis365.net
clipped from www.jetalpha.com |
clipped from uk.reuters.com
clipped from www.excite.co.jp ウィンブルドンに出場している選手には、一日23.49ポンド(約5672円)の食事代が支給されている。 |
clipped from www.nutella.it
clipped from www.laprensagrafica.com
clipped from espndeportes.espn.go.com
clipped from www.atptennis.com |
clipped from news.bbc.co.uk |
clipped from uk.reuters.com
clipped from www.dicknorman.be
clipped from uk.reuters.com
clipped from blogs.yahoo.co.jp ドロー運て、不思議なもの。昨日目に付いた不幸(?)な組み合わせは、 |
clipped from www.menstennisforums.com
clipped from www.wimbledon.org
clipped from news.bbc.co.uk he has maybe 80% more chance than me.
"Two years ago I was dreaming about playing Federer in the main court of a Grand Slam and on Wednesday I have the possibility." |
clipped from in.today.reuters.com "Before going out to play, I listen to Boca fans' songs and that motivates me even more," "I have them on an i-Pod and I put them on before playing and then it's as if I was on the pitch against River Plate," "What I like to think when I play is to do it with the fighting spirit that Boca put into all their matches. |
clipped from www.thetennischannel.com I think if they played some music for my entrance into a match, I'd go with Walk Like a Champion by Buju. They do play entrance music at a couple of events and I find it interesting to see who goes with the Opera and showtunes.