... the SWISS SUPREME COURT is going to OVERRULE the CAS decision supporting Cañas appeal, ordering the CAS to study the case again because Cañas arguments were not studied in depth and stating that the sanction in the appeal process (the reduced 15 months), isn't in accordance with the arguments of the rulement.
In other words, the Swiss Supreme Court (where the CAS has its place) are saying that the fundamentation of the Rulement, states Cañas didn't try to get any unfair advantage, so applying anyway a sanction isn't fair.
This was not leaked by Cañas team, but by Matthew Reeb, a secretary of CAS and it doens't mean yet that Cañas rulement is gonna be changed, only that they are forced now to REVISE IT. I am sure the ATP will be pressing not to, cause otherwise they are likely bound to a millionary sue beacuse of damages they would likely loose.
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