
Alejandoro Falla

 ルビチッチ 6(4)-7 6-4 6-4 ファラ

 (LL)ファラ 64 64  (9)ハース

ファラ: 先週から。先週、もう少しでルビチッチに勝てそうだった。1セットアップで2セット目を4−1でリードしてた。後少しでキャリア初の3回戦だった。

clipped from www.asapsports.com
Q. Okay. And then to come out here now and to get through two rounds, when did you have a sense that you might be able to defeat Tommy Haas today?
ALEJANDRO FALLA: It was from the last week. I was really close to beat Ljubicic. And I was set up, 4-1 up in the second round, so I was really close to getting it to the third round for the first time.

So I knew from the beginning that I could beat this guy today.

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